The EMM Solution at a Glance
EMM solutions are comprehensive systems for managing and protecting mobile devices and the apps and content that run on them.

EMM includes Mobile Device Management (MDM), which focuses on device provisioning, management, and security. Together, these facilitate the secure and efficient use of mobile devices.

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Benefits of an EMM Solution

Increase security on mobile devices and protect your data
Integrate mobile devices into existing processes to increase the efficiency of your employees
Unlock the productivity of your employees
EMM | audius
“By centrally managing mobile devices, companies can better protect their data, increase efficiency, and reduce administrative costs. Let us help you find the right solution for you.”
– Matthias Ott, EMM Team Leader, audius
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Product Information

EMM Unabhängige Beratung | audius
Independent Consulting on EMM Strategy

Our independent EMM consulting offers impartial advice with no vendor bias. You benefit from neutral recommendations, customized solutions, and a clear focus on your needs.

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Defined EMM Roadmap from Concept through to Operation| audius
Defined EMM Roadmap from Concept through to Operation

Take advantage of our proven approach developed from extensive and varied project experience in a wide range of industries, incorporating strategy consulting and design, implementation, use case development and implementation, training, and operation. Also available as a managed service.

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EMM - Leichter Einstieg durch Erfahrung und Best Practices | audius
Experience and Best Practices to Ensure a Smooth Process

We know what works in the real world. Drawing on decades of experience in EMM projects, our consultants offer established configurations, policies, and best practices for your custom EMM solution.

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EMM - Praxisnahe Referenzumgebungen für mehr Anschaulichkeit| audius
Realistic Reference Environments for More Clarity

We operate our own reference environments for the various product platforms, which we use to evaluate the products, test new features, and validate best practices. We can also use these environments to set up individual demos for you.

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Our Partnerships

We have close partnerships with innovative manufacturers in the EMM industry. Here are some examples:


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Jamf | audius
Apple Enterprise Management

As a Jamf partner, we help you manage your Apple devices securely and efficiently.

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Unsere Antworten auf typische Fragen

What is the difference between EMM and MDM?

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) is a comprehensive approach to managing mobile devices within a company. It includes Mobile Device Management (MDM), which focuses on device management, security, and monitoring. In other words, MDM is a component of EMM. EMM also offers additional features such as Mobile Application Management (MAM), Mobile Information Management (MIM), and Mobile Content Management (MCM).

Why is EMM/MDM important for companies?

EMM/MDM is key to ensuring the security and integrity of company data on mobile devices. With the growing prevalence of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and reliance on mobile technologies, companies need to ensure the protection of sensitive data and observance of compliance guidelines while boosting employee productivity.

How does EMM impact productivity?

EMM enables companies to securely deliver applications and content, giving employees mobile access to necessary resources. It promotes flexibility by allowing employees to work from anywhere, while ensuring that devices and data are secure. This increases overall productivity and efficiency. Combined with a compatible strategy, such as BYOD or an employee choice program, employees can use their favorite device platform, helping to boost their motivation.

Is EMM only relevant for large companies?

No, EMM is relevant for companies of all sizes. Smaller companies often have fewer IT resources, but can still be the target of attacks or experience a data breach. The EMM solution enables the efficient management of mobile resources and security risk mitigation, whatever the size of company.


EMM solutions can also help to accelerate employee productivity as device configurations are provided centrally and the employee simply has to focus on using the device. IT effort can be minimized as changes can be distributed centrally or, if necessary, enabled on the device.

Can employees still use private apps and data on their devices with EMM?

Yes, the way the EMM solutions interact with the device platform enables business and private data to be kept separate. This ensures that company data is protected, while still allowing employees to use their devices freely without invading their privacy.


Contact our Team

We would be delighted to help you protect your systems, data, and processes; mobile and on premises. We look forward to hearing from you!

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